Solace Crafting

Solace Crafting
Redefining the Crafting RPG

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Google! Google! Google! "It's only a model... shh"

Time to start posting regularly, which is a bit daunting when you're coding and uploading and managing everything yourself. I've decided instead to let Google help me out, and look forward to posting on this site much more regularly that I have on my own. Links to be set up shortly of course.

As far as Solace Crafting goes, progression is steadily moving forward. I've been dabbling a bit in marketing and have learned a great deal at the cost of precious development time. I've also read a lot into company formation and management, or in other words law and taxes, as I take steps towards forming a legitimate legal body to handle sales and that side of things.

Today I simplified a fair share of the recipe databases to make adding in new content and managing what's already there even easier. The structure that all crafting is built on top of in Solace Crafting has a very serious need to be flexible and accepting of new and changing content. Luckily it was built that way from the start!

Though to be honest I spent a lot of my free time cleaning today. Our apartment was getting messy and I gave a lot of our appliances a good scrub. Clearing the clutter is important for focus! Which the next four days will have a lot of.

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